Environmental Noise Measurement

Our in-house laboratory is well equipped with wide range of high technology analysis equipment such as Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) in supporting our environmental services ranging from testing analysis for waste recovery activities, environmental and performance monitoring, and consulting services for environmental pollution.
As a further effort to expand the scope of our services, we are now working towards an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory. With this, we are committed to constantly upgrade the testing equipment and technical know-how to customize the need of both quality control and industrial waste management.
Currently we are actively participated in Proficiency Testing (PT) scheme organized by Department of Chemistry Malaysia which is a prerequisite to quality assurance in the operation of a chemical testing laboratory.


Our scope of services entails the following:


  • Chemical Analysis
  • Industrial Effluent Characterization Study (IECS)
  • Industrial Effluent Discharge Monitoring
  • Air Emission (Stationary Sources) Monitoring
  • Ambient Air Monitoring
  • Environmental Noise Measurement

Environmental Noise Measurement

In compliance with Environmental Quality Act 1974, Section 23, industries are required to conduct on site or in situ the factory environmental noise monitoring at the indicated bordering area during day time and night time. The noise levels shall meet the permissible limit values stated in “Planning Guidelines for Environmental Noise Limits and Control, Annex A: Schedule of Permissible Sound Level”.