Scheduled Waste Collection & Recovery

Scheduled Waste Collection & Recovery

We promote environmental responsible waste management solution through providing scheduled waste collection and recovery services. Scheduled waste disposal is regulated by government through Section 34B of the Environmental Quality Act 1974, on which violating of the act shall be liable to both a fine not exceeding RM 500,000 and to imprisonment for a period not more than 5 years.


Licensed by the Department of Environment, Meridian Recycling Sdn. Bhd. is authorized to collect, transport and recover scheduled wastes. Compared to other waste disposal options like dumping the scheduled wastes into land-filling site and incinerators to burn, waste generators have seen our recycling activity a more environmental responsible and cost-saving solution.


The current types of scheduled wastes that we are licensed to collect and recover are as follows:

  • SW104 Slag or dross containing Al, Cu, Ni or Sn
  • SW110 Electronic waste
  • SW202 Spent catalyst
  • SW204 Metal hydroxide sludge (Copper, Aluminium, Ferric, Nickel)
  • SW206 Copper chloride
  • SW206 Copper nitrate
  • SW206 Spent inorganic acid
  • SW301 Spent Organic acid
  • SW305 Spent lubricating oil
  • SW306 Spent hydraulic oil
  • SW312 Oily residue from automotive workshop, service station or grease interceptor
  • SW314 Oil or sludge from oil refinery plant or petrochemical plants
  • SW321 Rubber/latex waste containing heavy metals or solvent
  • SW325 Uncured resin waste containing organic solvents or heavy metals
  • SW401 Copper ammonium chloride
  • SW401 Spent alkaline waste containing heavy metals
  • SW402 Spent akalis
  • SW409 Disposed containers contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, mineral oil or scheduled wastes
  • SW410 Rags contaminated with scheduled wastes
  • SW411 Spent activated carbon
  • SW416 Sludge of inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye or vanish.
  • SW417 Waste of inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye or vanish.
  • SW418 Discarded off specification inks, paints, pigments, dye or varnish products containing organic solvent.
  • SW422 Scraps metal (Al, Cu, Sn or Ni) contaminated with oil/solvent
  • SW429 Chemicals that are discarded or off specification


The scopes of services we offer include Waste Collection, Waste Transportation, Waste Analysis and Waste Recovery.